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List of Ingredients

Ingredient Image Price
Flour INGRED FLOUR.png 14 HUD coin.png
Rice INGRED RICE.png 14 HUD coin.png
Egg INGRED EGG.png 18 HUD coin.png
Pale Meat INGRED PALE MEAT.png 24 HUD coin.png
Leafy Greens INGRED LEAF VEG.png 24 HUD coin.png
Fatty Meat INGRED FATTY MEAT.png 78 HUD coin.png
Sweet Sap INGRED SAP.png 36 HUD coin.png
Exotic Fruit INGRED COCONUT.png 36 HUD coin.png
Tough Meat INGRED TOUGH MEAT.png 54 HUD coin.png
Cheese INGRED CHEESE.png 90 HUD coin.png
Tasty Spice INGRED TASTY SPICE.png 96 HUD coin.png
Flaming Spice INGRED FLAMING SPICE.png 42 HUD coin.png
Tomato INGRED TOMATO.png 36 HUD coin.png
Potato INGRED POTATO.png 36 HUD coin.png
Mushroom INGRED MUSHROOM.png 66 HUD coin.png
Ice Crystal INGRED ICE.png 96 HUD coin.png
Fish INGRED FISH.png 66 HUD coin.png
Crab INGRED CRAB.png 66 HUD coin.png
Prawn INGRED PRAWN.png 48 HUD coin.png
Tentacle INGRED TENTACLE.png 132 HUD coin.png