Bubble Tea Shop

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The Bubble Tea Shop is a shop run by sisters Zhenzhu and Naicha, located on the northern side of town. Players can use their coins here to purchase various types of Bubble Teas, which can be used in dungeons for their effects. Players may hold up to 1-4 Bubble Teas at once, depending on how many upgrades they have in the Adventurer's Pouch.

Despite having 2 closed days, players can purchase Bubble Teas any day of the week as at least one of the two sisters will always be available at the store.

Potion System

At the Bubble Tea Shop, players can purchase bubble teas, also known as potions. Players can use the bubble tea in dungeons to heal, and sometimes with additional effects. Purchasing a bubble tea will cause it to fill one slot in the Adventurer's Pouch slot (the bottom hotbar), which can be upgraded at the Tailor. The same potion effects do not stack but can refresh the duration of the effect.

Additionally, players can upgrade or unlock new bubble teas at the Bubble Tea Shop. Unlocking a new bubble tea at the shop requires various dishes, ingredients and coins, after which will take one day to unlock. Similarly, upgrading bubble teas requires specific dishes, ingredients and coins, but does not take a day to upgrade. Each bubble tea has different upgrade effects, but all mainly increase the strength of the effect.

List of Potions

Name Image (1-2 Upgrades) Cost Effect Description Image (3-4 Upgrades) Image (Final Upgrade)
Fresh Milk Tea Fresh Milk Tea tier 1.png 25 Heals player for 35/40/45/50/55 Hp The classic bubble tea, its milky flavours are sure to keep you refreshed. Fresh Milk Tea tier 2.png Fresh Milk Tea tier 3.png
Cheesy Milk Tea Cheese Milk Tea tier 1.png 25 Heals 4/5/6/7/8 HP/s for 9s A cheesy spin on the classic fresh milk tea, revitalizes you with each sip. Cheese Milk Tea tier 2.png Cheese Milk Tea tier 3.png
Berry Fruit Tea Berry Fruit Tea tier 1.png 50 Applies SWEETENED to enemies within a range of 6 tiles, effect lasts for 4s.
Increases SWEETENED effect by additional 10/15/20/25/30% within range.
Heals 10 HP instantly.
Infused with sweet and delicious berries, its fresh and fruity aroma will make you fall in love. Berry Fruit Tea tier 2.png Berry Fruit Tea tier 3.png
Masala Chai Masala Chai tier 1.png 50 Applies AFLAME to enemies within a range of 10 tiles, effect lasts for 4s.
Deals 30/35/40/45/50 damage to any enemies within range.
Heals 10 HP instantly.
With just a hint of spice, this drink will envelop you in a warm hug. Masala Chai tier 2.png Masala Chai tier 3.png
Leafy Matcha Tea Leafy Matcha tier 1.png 50 Applies POISONED to enemies within a range of 7 tiles, effect lasts for 4s.
Deals continuous 5/6/7/8/9 damage/s to enemies within range.
Heals 3 HP/s when in range.
The flavourful matcha will be sure to calm you, and make you feel one with nature. Leafy Matcha tier 2.png Leafy Matcha tier 3.png
Sparkling Bubble Tea Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 1.png 50 Applies FROZEN to enemies within a range of 3 tiles, effect lasts for 5s.
Deals continuous 3/4/5/6/7 damage/s to enemies within range.
Heals 2 HP/s within range.
Chilled to below freezing, each icy sip will keep you cool and composed. Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 2.png Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 3.png
Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 1.png ?? Applies SHIELDED to player for 1/2/3/4/5s.
Removes all ailments from player.
Heals 10 HP instantly.
The best of both sweet and salty, full of rich goodness to help start your day. Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 2.png Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 3.png
Lemon Bubble Tea Lemon Bubble Tea tier 1.png 50 Applies SHOCK every 2 seconds.
Deals 5 damage to 4 enemies/s within a range of 6 tiles, effect lasts for 5/6/7/8/9s.
Heals 1 HP/enemy that takes damage.
Freshly squeezed lemons refreshing enough to wake you right up. Lemon Bubble Tea tier 2.png Lemon Bubble Tea tier 3.png


milk tea 35,40,45,50,55 (cost) cheesy 4,5,6,7,8 (cost) berry tea 10,15,20,25,30% (cost) masala chai 10,20,30,40,50 (cost) leafy matcha tea 5,6,7,8,9s (cost) sparkling bubble tea 3,4,5,6,7 (cost) brown sugar sea salt milk tea 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5s (cost) lemon bubble tea 5,6,7,8,9s (cost)

Upgrading Bubble Teas requires various dishes for different stages, as well as coins. Upon upgrade, the upgraded version will be sold in the store and will not upgrade any preexisting bubble teas in your inventory. Apart from the Fresh Milk Tea, every Bubble Tea needs to be unlocked using dishes, ingredients and coins. When unlocking, also known as researching, a Bubble Tea, it will take one in-game day before the bubble tea will be made available for purchase.

The tables below show the unlock and upgrade costs for every stage of the various Bubble Teas.

Fresh Milk Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Fresh Milk Tea (Tier 1) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Heals 35 HP instantly Fresh Milk Tea tier 1.png
Delicious Fresh Milk Tea (Tier 2) Bread x3 Noodle x3 Steamed Rice x3 Sweet Sap x1 250 Heals 40 HP instantly Fresh Milk Tea tier 1.png
Famous Fresh Milk Tea (Tier 3) Burger x2 Fried Mushroom x2 Boiled Potato x3 Sweet Sap x5 500 Heals 45 HP instantly Fresh Milk Tea tier 2.png
Superior Fresh Milk Tea (Tier 4) Pasta Aglio Olio x1 Pizza x2 Fried Fish x3 Sweet Sap x10 750 Heals 50 HP instantly Fresh Milk Tea tier 2.png
Legendary Fresh Milk Tea (Tier 5) Prata with Curry x1 Complete Breakfast x1 Sushi Set x2 Sweet Sap x15 1000 Heals 55 HP instantly Fresh Milk Tea tier 3.png

Cheese Milk Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Cheese Milk Tea Grilled Pork x3 Steamed Leafy Greens x3 Coconut Milk x3 Melted Cheese x3 100 Heals 4 HP/s for 9s Cheese Milk Tea tier 1.png
Delicious Cheese Milk Tea Caramel Cake x2 Cooked Mushroom x3 Sweet Sap x1 Cheese x1 250 Heals 5 HP/s for 9s Cheese Milk Tea tier 1.png
Famous Cheese Milk Tea Hashbrowns x2 Boiled Tentacle x3 Sweet Sap x5 Cheese x5 500 Heals 6 HP/s for 9s Cheese Milk Tea tier 2.png
Superior Cheese Milk Tea Meaty Fried Rice x1 Black Pepper Crab x2 Sweet Sap x10 Cheese x5 750 Heals 7 HP/s for 9s Cheese Milk Tea tier 2.png
Legendary Cheese Milk Tea Pasta Marinara x1 Chilli Crab x1 Sweet Sap x15 Cheese x10 1000 Heals 8 HP/s for 9s Cheese Milk Tea tier 3.png

Berry Fruit Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Berry Fruit Tea Bread x3 Fried Chicken x3 Fried Pork x3 Caramel x3 300 Increases SWEETENED effect by additional 10% for 4s within range. Berry Fruit Tea tier 1.png
Delicious Berry Fruit Tea Steamed Chicken Rice x2 Prepped Tomato x3 Sweet Sap x5 Tomato x3 500 Increases SWEETENED effect by additional 15% for 4s within range. Berry Fruit Tea tier 1.png
Famous Berry Fruit Tea Hashbrowns x2 Grilled Tentacle x3 Sweet Sap x10 Tomato x5 800 Increases SWEETENED effect by additional 20% for 4s within range. Berry Fruit Tea tier 2.png
Superior Berry Fruit Tea Kaya Toast x1 Shrimp Tempura x2 Sweet Sap x10 Tomato x5 1200 Increases SWEETENED effect by additional 25% for 4s within range. Berry Fruit Tea tier 2.png
Legendary Berry Fruit Tea BBQ Ribs x1 Fast Food Set x1 Sweet Sap x15 Tomato x10 1700 Increases SWEETENED effect by additional 30% for 4s within range. Berry Fruit Tea tier 3.png

Masala Chai

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Masala Chai Fried Egg x3 Mee Rebus x3 Blended Spices x3 Spicy Soup x3 300 Deals 10 damage on any enemies within AoE. Masala Chai tier 1.png
Delicious Masala Chai Popiah x2 Baked Potato x3 Sweet Sap x1 Flaming Spice x1 500 Deals 20 damage on any enemies within AoE. Masala Chai tier 1.png
Famous Masala Chai Cheesy Baked Potato x2 Tentacle Sashimi x3 Sweet Sap x5 Flaming Spice x3 800 Deals 30 damage on any enemies within AoE. Masala Chai tier 2.png
Superior Masala Tea Laksa x1 Fried Calamari 2 Sweet Sap x10 Flaming Spice x5 1200 Deals 40 damage on any enemies within AoE. Masala Chai tier 2.png
Legendary Masala Tea Pepperoni Pizza x1 Shrimp Tempura Udon x1 Sweet Sap x15 Flaming Spice x10 1700 Deals 50 damage on any enemies within AoE. Masala Chai tier 3.png

Leafy Matcha Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Leafy Matcha Tasty Soup x3 Grilled Beef x3 Steamed Leafy Greens x3 Fried Leafy Greens x3 500 Deals continuous 5 damage/s for enemies within AoE Leafy Matcha tier 1.png
Delicious Leafy Matcha Onigiri x2 Tomato Paste x3 Sweet Sap x1 Leafy Greens x1 900 Deals continuous 6 damage/s for enemies within AoE Leafy Matcha tier 1.png
Famous Leafy Matcha Basic Salad x2 Steamed Fish x3 Sweet Sap x5 Leafy Greens x3 1400 Deals continuous 7 damage/s for enemies within AoE Leafy Matcha tier 2.png
Superior Leafy Matcha Curry Puff Set x1 Grilled Salmon with Rice x2 Sweet Sap x10 Leafy Greens x5 2000 Deals continuous 8 damage/s for enemies within AoE Leafy Matcha tier 2.png
Legendary Leafy Matcha Caesar Salad x1 Okonomiyaki x1 Sweet Sap x15 Leafy Greens x10 2500 Deals continuous 9 damage/s for enemies within AoE Leafy Matcha tier 3.png

Sparkling Bubble Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Sparkling Bubble Tea Steamed Rice x3 Fried Beef x3 Boiled Beef x3 Boiled Pork x3 500 Deals continuous 3 damage/s for enemies within AoE Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 1.png
Delicious Sparkling Bubble Tea Egg Prata x2 Fried Potato x3 Sweet Sap x1 Ice Crystal x1 900 Deals continuous 4 damage/s for enemies within AoE Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 1.png
Famous Sparkling Bubble Tea Beef Katsu x2 Sparkling Water x3 Sweet Sap x5 Ice Crystal x3 1400 Deals continuous 5 damage/s for enemies within AoE Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 2.png
Superior Sparkling Bubble Tea Roast Chicken Rice x1 Ice Kacang x2 Sweet Sap x10 Ice Crystal x5 2000 Deals continuous 6 damage/s for enemies within AoE Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 2.png
Legendary Sparkling Bubble Tea Potato Salad x1 Maki Roll x1 Sweet Sap x15 Ice Crystal x10 2500 Deals continuous 7 damage/s for enemies within AoE Sparkling Bubble Tea tier 3.png

Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea Steamed Leafy Greens x3 Steamed Chicken x3 Tasty Soup x3 Boiled Egg x3 800 Gives player Shielded for 3 seconds Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 1.png
Delicious Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea Tonkatsu x2 Baked Tomato x3 Sweet Sap x1 Tasty Spice x1 1500 Gives player Shielded for 3.5 seconds Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 1.png
Famous Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea Veggie Tempura x2 Crab Sashimi x3 Sweet Sap x5 Tasty Spice x3 2000 Gives player Shielded for 4 seconds Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 2.png
Superior Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea Curry Rice x1 Fish & Chips x2 Sweet Sap x10 Tasty Spice x5 2700 Gives player Shielded for 4.5 seconds Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 2.png
Legendary Brown Sugar Sea Salt Milk Tea Seafood Pizza x1 Patbingsu x1 Sweet Sap x15 Tasty Spice x10 3500 Gives player Shielded for 5 seconds Brown Sugar Seasalt Milk Tea tier 3.png

Lemon Bubble Tea

Name Dish/Ingredient 1 Dish/Ingredient 2 Dish/Ingredient 3 Dish/Ingredient 4 Coins Upgrades Image
Lemon Bubble Tea Roast Chicken x3 Fried Egg x3 Fried Rice x3 Roti Prata x3 800 Deals 5 damage to 4 enemies/s within AoE 6 radius for 5 seconds. Lemon Bubble Tea tier 1.png
Delicious Lemon Bubble Tea Omelette x2 Fried Mushroom x3 Sweet Sap x1 Tasty Spice x1 1500 Deals 5 damage to 4 enemies/s within AoE 6 radius for 6 seconds. Lemon Bubble Tea tier 1.png
Famous Lemon Bubble Tea Pizza x2 Steamed Crab x3 Sweet Sap x5 Tasty Spice x3 2000 Deals 5 damage to 4 enemies/s within AoE 6 radius for 7 seconds. Lemon Bubble Tea tier 2.png
Superior Lemon Bubble Tea Beefy Donburi x1 Tentacle Soup x2 Sweet Sap x10 Tasty Spice x5 2700 Deals 5 damage to 4 enemies/s within AoE 6 radius for 8 seconds. Lemon Bubble Tea tier 2.png
Legendary Lemon Bubble Tea BBQ Chicken Pizza x1 Sushi Platter x1 Sweet Sap x15 [Tasty Spice]] x10 3500 Deals 5 damage to 4 enemies/s within AoE 6 radius for 9 seconds. Lemon Bubble Tea tier 3.png
